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Your Boot Camp Instructor 

Lee Cooper
Boot Camp Trainer


I have over 30 years’ experience of helping people meet their weight loss and fitness goals. I have designed a number of group fitness programmes to inspire my customers to get fit and stay fit.


Bracknell Bootcamps have been providing Group Fitness Training programmes for customers from Bracknell, Ascot, Wokingham and surrounding areas since 1991.  We have been based at 'The Parks' in Bracknell since 2008.  Our sessions combine the best of 'old school fitness’ and 'modern exercises' to keep the participants motivated and on their toes.  We limit group sizes so that we can continue to offer safe, organised and effective instruction. 



Boot Camp Members

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Boot Camp Client

After the death of my dad, losing my job and becoming really unwell with Covid, I hit my heaviest weight and lowest point in July 2022: for context, I weighed in heavier than most heavy-weight boxers do. I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and my blood-pressure was causing me daily migraines and constant pain. I was put on a cocktail of blood-pressure medication, anti-depressants and pain-killers whilst trying to work out why my body felt in a constant battle with itself. Having become so unwell, I moved in with my auntie and began to accept that this was how life was going to be for me. I spent the next few weeks not moving from her house. My routine became sleeping on the sofa during the day and drowning myself with ‘comfort food’, to sleeping in bed before waking again to solve all through a packet of crisps and wine.

After several weeks of feeling completely sorry for myself, my auntie suggested I join a weight-loss programme to try and pick myself up again. I decided to give it a go as I’d had enough of feeling so unwell and tired all the time. I had absolutely no idea where to start and definitely needed the help of a weight-loss programme. Initially it was suggested that I just start by walking daily – something I hadn’t done in a long time! I walked 15,000 steps each day for the first week in combination with reducing my calorie intake and before I knew it, I had lost 2kg. Within a month, I’d lost 7.1kg and could proudly say I was losing weight.

One morning in October, as I was walking to work I spotted Lee setting up in The Parks and decided I was ready to challenge myself to join a group to keep up my weight-loss. Initially I was really anxious about attending an exercise regime in public, with other people(!). Up until now I had been walking early in the morning to ease the feelings of embarrassment as I was so physically and mentally unfit. Needless to say, after the first Bootcamp with Lee, I was hooked. Within 2 months of continuing walking, reducing my calorie intake and boot camp I had lost another 14kg. My visceral and subcutaneous fat had reduced significantly and my muscle mass was higher than I’ve ever seen it before. My blood-pressure dropped; the headaches and lethargy disappeared and I had even decided to stop taking anti-depressants. Bootcamp and exercise in general have been so restorative for my physical and mental health. I hit my goal weight in March 2023 and can proudly say, I have been able to maintain not only the weight-loss but the lifestyle changes 6 months on. 12 months ago, I was struggling to lift a 5kg kettlebell but I can now say I regularly lift 14-18kg and regularly run 5-10km without even considering it a major event anymore. On my lowest days, I find exercise to be a tool I use to help me manage those feelings and genuinely look forward to regular boot camp sessions.

Within 12 months I have lost 44kg, reduced my blood pressure to healthy levels, reduced my blood sugars so I no longer have T2D and can happily say, I do not need to take anti-depressants or have monthly injections for iron or b12.



Michael 'Cake Man'

Boot Camp Client


I started Lee’s bootcamp sessions around June 2014 with a view to generally getting fitter. I was signed up to a gym but lacked the inspiration and motivation to go so I thought I would try a more class-oriented programme. After googling, I got in touch with lee and attended my first session. Since then I have attended every class, every week since (barring holidays or illness (including hangovers!)). Needless to say I haven’t been to the gym since.


Up to December 2014 I increased my stamina to the point where I felt I could start losing weight. I’m sure I could have started losing earlier but my goal was to be able to run longer distances. After achieving that goal, I made the conscious decision to lose weight, I changed my diet according to a plan Lee provided and since January, I have lost around 2.5 stone and I'm still losing weight. The 2 week fat furnace was a huge boost for me and the latest Get Fit for Summer programme has introduced an element of competition, which for me is a huge motivator.


Thanks to the boot camp classes my personal health has improved dramatically and I love doing exercise, occasionally throwing a few runs in in-between the classes. I’m confident none of this would have been possible without the classes Lee provides.



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Joke 'The Ring Leader'

Boot Camp Client


Early January this year I came across a post from Lee on The Parks Bracknell Community Group for a two week Fat Furnace bootcamp. Never one to make New Year's resolutions I decided this year was going to be different and I signed up. To be honest I didn't really know what I was letting myself in for but I went along to the first session and never really looked back. During those first two - rather intense - weeks I really got into the spirit of it and people already noticed my shape changing slowly but surely. I continued the bootcamp sessions three times a week and have never felt better. As an office worker I get little or no time outside let alone exercise so Lee's classes are exactly what I need before or after a hard day's work. In addition I have met a lot of like-minded people who work out at their own pace but keep coming back. The atmosphere amongst the bootcampers is very pleasant with a slight hint of healthy competition and I really enjoy that!Lee's professional but genuinely friendly approach has turned my unfitness into a more healthy lifestyle at my doorstep... I can only but recommend Bracknell Bootcamps!



Janine 'The Machine'

Boot Camp Client


I joined Lee's bootcamp sessions in May 2014. At the time my husband and I were doing spinning classes 3 times a week but felt like we had reached a plateau in the class and weren't able to challenge ourselves & improve our fitness levels. We came across Bracknell Bootcamps and have never looked back. After a month with Lee we gave up our gym membership.

For me, I was looking for a class that would work my whole body, shift a few kg's and tone up, which is definitely what I have achieved. I now have upper body strength which I've never had before.

Lee's classes are great fun and obviously, the harder you work, the greater the results.  It definitely takes motivation to workout through winter, but Lee has enough dedication and enthusiasm to make you want to go!

Contact Us:
Socialize With Us:

Lee Cooper Training Ltd

Tel: 07809 422 865



The Parks Open Space, 

Typhoon Close,

The Parks, Bracknell,

Berks, RG12 9NF

    Trading As - Bracknell Bootcamps

    Company: 04503455 (England and Wales)


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